Routine Problems Homeowners Have to Face

When you own a house, there are four routine problems that you have to face at all times. For that, you have to prepare a reserve fund. When you have a residence, you have to prepare a reserve fund for renovation and also home maintenance. After a few years, there are always parts of the house that have to be replaced.
A property site from the United States once reported that homeowners should have a renovation fund of at least 10 percent of the house price. So if your house is worth IDR 500 million, then you should have a home repair fund of IDR 50 million. This fund is certainly different from savings funds, investment funds, and others. This fund is specifically intended for renovation and repair.
Homeowners will face four routine problems that are faced at all times. An easy illustration is like this, now it's the rainy season. Try checking which part is leaking? Surely you will find shifted tiles, leaking gutters, clogged water pipes, and others. If you use the services of a builder to fix it, you have to spend money starting from the cost of the builder to building materials.
There are a number of routine problems that you will face at all times when you own a house. What problems are they? You should write them all down.
1. Leaking Roof
When the rainy season comes, you will find that there is a leaking roof, clogged gutters, water seeping through the walls, and many more. This is commonly experienced by homeowners. A series of these things are only discovered during the rainy season. It could be that before the rain came, the builder had repaired the roof, gutters, and walls. However, when it rains, other problems are only visible. You must fix all these problems immediately. Otherwise, the leak will get worse.
2. Leaking Water Pipes
Usually, Indonesian people use PAM water or groundwater. This water will be stored in a water storage area on the roof of the house. What you will face is a leaking water pipe. Imagine if you want to take a shower, the water pipe leaks. Maybe the water doesn't just flood the bathroom and its surroundings. Water can also seep into the walls, leaving marks that make the house look ugly. You must deal with this problem immediately.
3. Clogged Toilet Drain Hole
Another problem faced by homeowners is a clogged toilet. When you want to go to the toilet, it turns out that the toilet is clogged. This certainly makes you nervous.
The toilet is indeed a room that is often forgotten to be designed. Its location is also hidden. However, the role of this toilet is very important, can you really hold your pee or poop? A clogged toilet can be caused by many things. Usually there are items that clog the drain such as tissue paper, plastic, and others. You should immediately call a toilet expert to fix it.
4. Presence of Insects and Rodents
Don't underestimate mice. These rodents can enter the house. Don't let mice make your house a nest. You must immediately close access to mice. Insects such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, scorpions, and others are also other problems. When your house is untidy and dirty, insects will come.
Make sure there is no place for mice and insects to live in your house. Take a number of steps to overcome this. Mouse urine is dangerous to human health. In addition, the presence of mice can invite snakes to enter the house. Mice are prey for snakes.