How to Fix Leaking Roof Tiles During the Rainy Season

The rainy season can be a very undesirable condition, so it is certain that this will happen. Previously, we first searched and analyzed what caused our roof tiles to leak so that the right way to deal with leaking roof tiles during the rainy season can be found:
1. The angle of the roof slope is too flat so that water cannot flow down quickly and regularly.
2. The angle of the slope is too steep can also be the cause of roof tiles leaking during the rainy season, for example, the roof tiles come loose because the tiles cannot stay on the roof frame properly, if you are forced to make the roof slope upright for architectural design reasons, you can anticipate the roof tiles coming loose by adding nails to the roof tile head as a hook.
3. Damaged or perforated roof tile material can also be the cause of leaks.
4. A disaster occurs that damages the roof construction during the rainy season such as strong winds, earthquakes, floods and others.
How to Overcome Leaking Roof Tiles
From the several causes of leaks above, we can take preventive measures, namely the roof design to be made as strong and as good as possible so that no damage occurs, in addition, in the selection of materials, it is also necessary to choose the best roof tile material so that it does not cause leaks in the future, while for natural disasters, it can be overcome by caring for the environment and working with nature so that no damage occurs as a cause of disasters, for example by planting trees and reducing vehicle exhaust pollution to prevent global warming. especially when some people are busy looking for ways to overcome leaking roof tiles during the rainy season, especially if the roof installation is not done properly.