10 June 2024

3 Correct Ways to Calculate House Roof Tile Needs

It is very necessary to calculate roof tile requirements. Not only to know how many roof tiles are needed, but also to consider the type. The following is how to calculate roof tile requirements that you must understand when renovating or building a house:

1. Know the size of the roof tiles

Make sure you recognize and know the type of tile that will be used. There are various types of house roof tiles with different sizes and requirements per m2 so the amount needed in one square meter will also be different.

2. Calculate based on roof area

You have to calculate how much roof area you want to build. This calculation requires mathematical calculations because it must be done precisely. Even though you can get fairly accurate figures, it is recommended to overestimate the roof tiles you buy in anticipation of leaks or damage.

3. Calculate based on the width of the foundation and terrace of the house

You can calculate the need for roof tiles by measuring the width of the foundation and terrace of the house. When using this method, it is a good idea to increase the length and width of the building by 1 m in case the roof tiles are damaged.

One tip that must be taken into account is that this method of calculating the need for roof tiles still does not take into account the need for house tiles for the balcony. You will have to do separate calculations for those areas. Hope it is useful.