6 May 2024

4 Possible Causes of Leaking Roof Tiles

A leaking roof can be a nightmare for homeowners. Identifying the root cause of a leaking roof is critical to effective repairs. Check out the following possible causes of leaking roof tiles:

1. The position of the roof tiles is messy

Roof tiles that are not tightly positioned can certainly cause water to penetrate your house. Usually the most common cause is that the roof tiles are not in a tight position.

2. The roof tiles broke

There are 2 solutions that can be implemented so that the broken roof tiles can be covered. First, look for tiles that are the same size, second, coat the tiles with fiber and waterproof paint. Usually craftsmen prefer the second method because it is simpler.

3. Curved roof construction

The third possible cause is curved roof construction. One way to fix this is to use light steel as roof construction material.

4. Zinc gutters with holes and rust

Holes in zinc gutters can be resolved by using aluminum zinc which is strong and rust-resistant. Meanwhile, if the gutter is cracked, you can still fix it by using fiberglass and also waterproof paint.

That's the reason why our roof or roof tiles experience leaks or seepage. If the roof or roof tiles have experienced something like the above, whether it is a small leak, it is better to have it repaired immediately. Hope it is useful.