13 May 2024

4 Ways to Care for Your House Roof so It Doesn't Leak Easily

After choosing a roof design with the best materials, then carry out maintenance so that the roof lasts a long time. The goal is to avoid damage such as leaks that occur during the rainy season. The following is an easy way to maintain your roof on a regular basis.

1. Check regularly

The first step is to check the roof regularly at least once every 3 months. You need to check the position of the roof so that nothing has shifted or is damaged. Check each part to ensure there are no holes that could cause leaks.

2. Clean regularly

The second way to care for your roof is to clean it regularly so that dirt that settles on the roof doesn't cause cracks. Make sure there is no moss attached to the roof of the house because it could risk making the roof leak.

3. Prevent Fatal Leaks

When checking the roof and finding a leak or a part that is at risk of leaking, immediately take precautions. The way to do this is to cover the leak using a patch. You can see a leak when there are traces of water on the ceiling of the house.

4. Painting the Roof

The fourth step can be done using paint. This is specifically for house roofs made of concrete or asbestos. You can use paint if the roof is old so it doesn't experience leaks or damage. Paint will protect the fragile parts of the roof so that it becomes safer.

You can do this method of maintaining your roof in stages according to your needs. If everything has been done and there is still a leak, then you should replace the roof. Choose Rainbow metal roof tiles which are resistant to all weather and have proven quality. Hope it is useful!